My dearest Queen, I was on the veranda, and also I saw you originating from afar. The way you stroll, with a mild and also nearly breakable sway reminds me that you are so breakable a being, yet, the method you get up from very early dawn and would certainly not sit up until late dust keeps me notified that you remain one of the strongest beings I will ever before know. Your limitless power as well as strength, as you take care of me and the needs of the children are what I desire and also fervently pray we duplicate in our children. So, I want to permit you recognize ... you are a toughness which God has actually endowed me with.

My sweeties, sometimes, I rest with you at table, and I view the summarizes of your face, the method you speak, the means you smile, your buzzing laughter, and the delight you emit with your wit as well as loving exchange ... That you would never let any word pass without an amusing response makes me to recognize you are real essence of appeal and liveliness. And also I desire you to know, you are the most attractive point that has ever before taken place to me. The most lovely present that God offered to me.
About Shabbir Ahmad :
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